posted 2017-11-07
All versions of the Gentoo mail-filter/assp package allow the local unprivileged assp user to gain root by modifying the /usr/share/assp/ script, which is launched as root by its OpenRC service script.
The init script for ASSP launches the perl script /usr/share/assp/ as root,
start() {
ebegin "Starting ASSP"
start-stop-daemon -b -m --start --quiet \
--startas /usr/share/assp/ \
--pidfile /var/run/assp/ \
-- /var/lib/assp/ 2<&1 >> /var/log/assp/assp.log
eend $?
However, the ebuilds for mail-filter/assp give ownership of that script to the assp user and group,
src_install() {
# Lock down the files/data
fowners assp:assp -R /usr/share/assp
fperms 770 /usr/share/assp
As a result, the assp user can modify /usr/share/assp/ to perform whatever commands he likes. The next time that ASSP is started using its service script, those commands will be executed as root.