Source code for test.matrices_test
Unit tests for the functions in the :mod:`dunshire.matrices` module.
from copy import deepcopy
from unittest import TestCase
from dunshire.matrices import (append_col, append_row, condition_number,
eigenvalues, eigenvalues_re, identity,
inner_product, norm)
from dunshire.options import ABS_TOL
from .randomgen import random_matrix, random_natural
class AppendColTest(TestCase):
Tests for the :func:`append_col` function.
def test_new_dimensions(self):
If we append one matrix to another side-by-side, then the result
should have the same number of rows as the two original
matrices. However, the number of their columns should add up to
the number of columns in the new combined matrix.
rows = random_natural()
cols1 = random_natural()
cols2 = random_natural()
mat1 = random_matrix(rows, cols1)
mat2 = random_matrix(rows, cols2)
bigmat = append_col(mat1, mat2)
self.assertTrue(bigmat.size[0] == rows)
self.assertTrue(bigmat.size[1] == cols1+cols2)
class AppendRowTest(TestCase):
Tests for the :func:`dunshire.matrices.append_row` function.
def test_new_dimensions(self):
If we append one matrix to another top-to-bottom, then
the result should have the same number of columns as the two
original matrices. However, the number of their rows should add
up to the number of rows in the the new combined matrix.
rows1 = random_natural()
rows2 = random_natural()
cols = random_natural()
mat1 = random_matrix(rows1, cols)
mat2 = random_matrix(rows2, cols)
bigmat = append_row(mat1, mat2)
self.assertTrue(bigmat.size[0] == rows1+rows2)
self.assertTrue(bigmat.size[1] == cols)
class EigenvaluesTest(TestCase):
Tests for the :func:`dunshire.matrices.eigenvalues` function.
def test_eigenvalues_of_symmat_are_real(self):
A real symmetric matrix has real eigenvalues, so if we start
with a symmetric matrix, then the two functions
:func:`dunshire.matrices.eigenvalues` and
:func:`dunshire.matrices.eigenvalues_re` should agree on it.
mat = random_matrix(random_natural())
symmat = mat + mat.trans()
eigs1 = sorted(eigenvalues(symmat))
eigs2 = sorted(eigenvalues_re(symmat))
diffs = [abs(e1 - e2) for (e1, e2) in zip(eigs1, eigs2)]
self.assertTrue(all([diff < ABS_TOL for diff in diffs]))
def test_eigenvalues_of_identity(self):
All eigenvalues of the identity matrix should be one.
mat = identity(random_natural(), typecode='d')
eigs = eigenvalues(mat)
self.assertTrue(all([abs(ev - 1) < ABS_TOL for ev in eigs]))
class EigenvaluesRealPartTest(TestCase):
Tests for the :func:`dunshire.matrices.eigenvalues_re` function.
def test_eigenvalues_re_of_identity(self):
All eigenvalues of the identity matrix should be one.
mat = identity(random_natural(), typecode='d')
eigs = eigenvalues_re(mat)
self.assertTrue(all([abs(ev - 1) < ABS_TOL for ev in eigs]))
class InnerProductTest(TestCase):
Tests for the :func:`dunshire.matrices.inner_product` function.
def test_inner_product_with_self_is_norm_squared(self):
Ensure that the func:`dunshire.matrices.inner_product` and
:func:`dunshire.matrices.norm` functions are compatible by
checking that the square of the norm of a vector is its inner
product with itself.
vec = random_matrix(random_natural(), 1)
actual = inner_product(vec, vec)
expected = norm(vec)**2
self.assertTrue(abs(actual - expected) < ABS_TOL)
class NormTest(TestCase):
Tests for the :func:`dunshire.matrices.norm` function.
def test_norm_is_nonnegative(self):
Test one of the properties of a norm, that it is nonnegative.
mat = random_matrix(random_natural(), random_natural())
self.assertTrue(norm(mat) >= 0)
class ConditionNumberTest(TestCase):
Tests for the :func:`dunshire.matrices.condition_number` function.
def test_condition_number_ge_one(self):
From the way that it is defined, the condition number should
always be greater than or equal to one.
mat = random_matrix(random_natural(), random_natural())
self.assertTrue(condition_number(mat) >= 1)